Privacy Policy


In this Policy, references to “we”, “us” or “Airth” are references to Airth Solutions, a Nevada corporation. This Policy only applies to data collected by Airth via its portal, which can be accessed through including any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected thereto (collectively, the “Site”).


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Policy should be addressed to our Data Protection team through the following means:


We will collect personal information when you use the Site and the associated services, and as part of the normal course of business. This Policy sets out how we collect and use personal information, and your rights regarding our use of your personal information.

Airth also works with software vendors, and this Policy applies to both your use of Airth software and to your use of third-party software accessed through the Site.


Categories of information we collect about or from you include:

  • Personal information submitted during registration, including name, email address, and job details.
  • Information provided about projects during communication or service usage.
  • Other information provided during communication or service usage, such as full name, contact details, and communications details.

We use this information for certain activities, including:

  • Verifying the validity of your ability to access the Site
  • Sending you service emails (e.g. service announcements and messages relating to your account)
  • Providing consultation services and responding to service inquiries
  • Sending marketing to business contacts regarding Airth services and products which we believe may be of interest and to promote our business and brand
  • Administering our services and website, investigating any complaints and providing customer service
  • Responding to your questions and requests and otherwise customize your digital experience
  • To help refine our models and other similar predictive programs
  • Resolving disputes, refining models, and conducting internal analysis and research.
  • Preventing prohibited or illegal activities and enforcing policies.

We use this information to further our legitimate business interest to:

  • Manage and promote our business and brand
  • Provide and improve our services
  • Operate our business
  • Improve the performance and user experience of the Site
  • Make periodic reports to our Licensors as reflected in their EULAs
  • Monitor, investigate and report any attempts to breach the security of our websites, solutions and data storages and services
  • Resolve any concerns or disputes you may have.
Your use of our Site constitutes you giving your consent (where required under applicable law) to use your information for marketing. When we rely upon your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent by contacting us using the information above.


Categories of information:

  • Information captured in our web logs such as device information (e.g. device brand and model, screen dimensions), unique identification numbers (e.g. IP address and device ID), browser information (e.g. URL, browser type, pages visited, date/time of access), website traffic and pages viewed, geo-location and other device-specific information, Internet connection information
  • Behavioral information (such as information on the behavior or presumed interests of individuals which are linked to those individuals and may be used to create a user profile); and

We use this information for certain activities, including:

  • Personalizing website experiences.
  • Administering websites and developing products and services.
  • Performing statistical and trend analysis.
  • Facilitating access to and use of the Site.
  • Resolving disputes and troubleshooting problems.

We use this information because:

  • It is necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations
  • We have a legitimate business interest to:
  • Monitor, investigate and report any attempts to breach the security of our websites
  • Improve the performance and user experience of our websites; and
  • Develop our product and service offerings for service users.
For more information regarding our legitimate interests as applied to your personal information, please contact us.
Your personal information may also be processed if it is necessary to respond to a lawful request from a law enforcement or regulatory authority, body or agency, in the defense of legal claims or in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats, to the physical safety of any person or violations of any of our Site terms.
We may record communication from you, including telephone calls, for training, quality and research purposes and may save all written or other electronic communication from you. All such records will be treated as confidential.
If you pay for Airth products or services using your payment card, we will collect your personal data connected to your payment card. We use this personal data in order to process your payment and to prevent fraudulent transactions. We do this on the basis of your consent to process this information.
We offer you various third-party software products through our platform. We neither control nor in most cases know what data these third parties collect from you.


We may disclose your personal information to third parties as follows:

  • When we have your consent or authorization to do so;
  • To third parties who work on our behalf to help us administer our Site, or to service or maintain business contact databases and other IT systems, such as suppliers of the IT systems which we use to process personal information, or who provide other technical services, such as printing;
  • To third parties providing services to us who have a need to access your information, such as our professional advisors (e.g. auditors and lawyers);
  • To comply with applicable laws, protect rights, safety and property, and respond to lawful requests from public authorities (such as disclosing data in appropriate situations for national security or law enforcement purposes);

Your personal information will also be transferred to third-party organizations in certain scenarios (subject to applicable law):

  • If we sell, purchase or transfer any part or all of our business or assets (including in bankruptcy), or in the event of another corporate change, in which case we may disclose your Information to the prospective seller, buyer or administrator of such business or assets including for pre-transaction review under suitable terms as to confidentiality;
  • If we are reorganized or sold, information may be transferred to a buyer who can continue to provide services to you;
  • If we are defending a legal claim, our property, our website or other users, Information may be transferred as required in connection with defending such claim;
  • If there is an emergency which requires us to share your data or for the health and safety of our Site’s users or the general public.

We also may share aggregate or anonymize information about you (which does not contain any personal information) to develop content and services and further improve your digital experience.


In certain circumstances, you have certain rights regarding your personal information. A summary of each right and how you can exercise it is below. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us. Such requests should include information to allow us to verify your identity (e.g. your name, address, email address or other information reasonably required). If you are a California or Nevada resident, please refer additional sections below for more detailed information on your rights under applicable laws.

Where we receive your request to exercise one of these rights, we will respond without undue delay within the time required by applicable law. This may be extended by a time we deem reasonable in certain circumstances, e.g. where requests are complex or numerous.

We will provide the information free of charge except where we determine that requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, including for example, because of their repetitive character. In these circumstances we may charge a reasonable fee or may refuse to act on the request. We will advise you of any fees prior to proceeding with a request.

We may ask for additional information to verify your identity before carrying out a request.


You have the right to access personal information we hold about you, and to be provided with a copy of the information (in most circumstances). You also have the right to correct any information we may hold about you that is inaccurate.


You have the right to ask us to restrict processing of your personal information where one of the following applies:

  • The processing is unlawful, but you want us to restrict use of the data instead of deleting it;
  • Where you contest the accuracy of your personal information, the restriction will apply until we have verified the accuracy or corrected your personal information;
  • We no longer require the personal information for the purposes of processing, but are required to keep it in connection with a legal claim;
  • You have exercised your right to object to the processing. The restriction will apply until we have taken steps to verify whether we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing.


You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information in most circumstances.

There are also certain exceptions where we may refuse a request for erasure, for example, where the personal information is required to comply with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.


You may object to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes.

You may also object to processing of your personal information in cases where we have used legitimate interests as the basis for processing. In such cases, we will stop processing your personal information until we verify that we have compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms in asking us to stop processing the data, or in limited cases where we need to continue processing the data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.


In most cases, you have the right to receive all personal information you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit this data to another data controller, where technically feasible.


If you object to our processing of your personal information, you have the right to complain to the data protection authority in the country where you reside, where you work, or where an alleged infringement of data protection laws has taken place.


We may transfer and maintain personal information of individuals covered by this Policy on servers or databases located in other countries. Some of these countries may not have the equivalent level of protection under their data protection laws.


We will retain your personal information for as long as required to perform the purposes for which the data was collected, depending on the legal basis for which that data was obtained and/or whether additional legal/regulatory obligations require us to retain it.

In general terms, this will mean that your personal information will be kept for the duration of our relationship with you plus any period required by tax and company laws and regulations or as long as it is necessary for you to be able to bring a claim against us and for us to be able to defend ourselves against any legal claims.


We believe it is important to give you choices about the use of your Information. We will use your personal information as described in this Policy. If we want to use your information for a purpose not described in this Policy, we will first get your consent to do so.


Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. We do not recognize or respond to browser-related DNT signals, as the industry is currently working toward a common approach to responding to DNT.


We have implemented administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help prevent unauthorized access. Despite these measures, no data transmission over the Internet can be entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit via our websites or apps. Please note that you are responsible for maintaining the security of your credentials used to access any service or account, and you must report suspected unauthorized activity to us.

We make reasonable efforts to restrict access to information to only those employees, contractors, and agents who need such access in order to operate, develop, improve, or deliver our programs, products, and services.


A cookie is a small text file which includes a unique identifier that is sent by a web server to device you use to visit an on-line site. Cookies and similar technologies are widely used to make websites work efficiently and to collect information about your online preferences. For simplicity, we refer to all these technologies as “cookies”.

Some of our website pages may contain electronic images known as web beacons (also known as clear gifs, tags or pixels) that allow us to count users who have visited our pages. Web beacons collect only limited information, e.g. a cookie number, time and date of a page view, and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides. We may also carry web beacons placed by third party advertisers. These beacons do not carry any information that could directly identify you.

We also may include web beacons in e-mail messages or newsletters to track whether you open the messages. We use this information to customize our services and measure the overall effectiveness of our online content, advertising campaigns, and products and services we offer through the Site.

Third-party cookies may be place on your computer when you visit the Site by companies that run certain services we offer. These cookies allow the third parties to gather and track certain information about you. These cookies can be manually disabled in your browser.

Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. However, you can remove or reject cookies in your browser’s settings. Please be aware that such action could affect the availability and functionality of the Site.

We may use cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies when you visit the Site to help customize the Site and improve your experience.


9.1 Links

We may provide links to other websites or resources that are not part of the products, programs, or services run by Airth. We do not control these websites or their privacy practices, and any information you provide to these sites is subject to the privacy notices of those sites and not this Policy.

9.2 Changes to this Policy

From time to time, we may change and/or update this Policy or any part of it. If this Policy changes in any way, we will post an updated version on the Site. We recommend you regularly review the Site to ensure that you are always aware of our information practices and any changes to such. Any changes to this Policy will go into effect on posting to this page.

10. California Privacy Rights

California law requires us to provide California residents with additional information regarding how we collect, use, and share your “personal information” (as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)).

Categories of personal information we collect

Throughout this Policy, we discuss in detail the specific pieces of information we collect from and about users. We collect the following types of personal information:

  • Identifiers (such as name and title, contact details, and company name);
  • Internet or other network or device activity (such as browsing history or app usage);
  • Inference data about you; and
  • Other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you.

Use of categories of personal information

We may disclose the categories of personal information identified above for our operational purposes where the use is reasonably necessary and proportionate to achieve the operational purpose for which it was collected or processed, or for another compatible operational purpose.

Sale of Personal Information

The CCPA sets forth certain obligations for businesses that “sell” personal information. Based on the definition of “sell” under the CCPA and under current regulatory guidance, we do not believe we engage in such activity and have not engaged in such activity in the past twelve months (including that we do not “sell” the personal information of minors under 16 years of age). We do share certain information as set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this Policy, and allow third parties to collect certain information about your activity, for example through cookies, as explained in our Cookie Policy.

Individual Rights

California law may provide you with certain rights and permit you to request the following:

  • Provide you the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you in the last twelve months; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information; and the categories of third parties with whom we shared personal information.
  • Provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you.
  • Delete certain information we have about you.

You may have the right to receive information about the financial incentives that we offer to you (if any). You also have the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising certain of your rights. Certain information may be exempt from such requests under applicable law. For example, we need certain types of information so that we can provide the Services to you and for compliance with applicable law. If you ask us to delete certain information, you may no longer be able to access or use the Services.

If would like to exercise any of these rights, please email us at You will be required to verify your identify before we fulfill your request. You can also designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. To do so, you must provide us with written authorization or a power of attorney, signed by you, for the agent to act on your behalf. You will still need to verify your identity directly with us.

Subject to certain limits under California Civil Code § 1798.83, California residents may request certain information regarding our disclosure of information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us as specified at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Notice Concerning Do Not Track Signals

Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. We do not recognize or respond to browser-related DNT signals, as the industry is currently working toward a common approach to responding to DNT.

11. Nevada Privacy Rights

Nevada law requires us to provide certain Nevada consumers the ability to opt out of the “sale” of “personally identifiable information” as such terms are defined under Nevada law. We do not engage in such activity; however, if you are a Nevada resident who has purchased goods or services from us, you may submit a request to opt out of any potential future sales under Nevada law by emailing Once verified, we will maintain your request in the event our practices change.

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